Amazing travel with WP-CLI
Written on June 28, 2019
WP-CLI is a great tools for develop and manage WordPress site without hassle.
Install WP-CLI
Before drive a bus, first need driving license. So, to use WP-CLI, install it in computer. I am using it on Ubuntu 16.04 operating system. LAMP stack and default terminal will fit for this. Open old, fat, big, black TERMINAL. If computer has already CURL installed, then type
$ curl -O
Otherwise, get this phar file with wget
command, which is native. Type
$ wget
Anyway, I get wp-cli.phar file. This, PHAR file will executable with chmod +x command. So, this command will be$ chmod +x wp-cli.phar
then, move wp-cli.phar file to /usr/local/bin/wp
directory, used this command$ sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
I have WP-CLI. To check, command with $ wp --info
, and it will show the whole bunch of information about WP-CLI.
So, Concluding in installation step, 4 commands require to install WP-CLI (with checking command)
Command 1: $ wget
Command 2: $ chmod +x wp-cli.phar
Command 3: $ sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
Additional Command 4: $ wp --info
For windows, here is the instruction.
Install WordPress
Step 1: Open target directory in the terminal. To download the latest copy of WordPress, type command
$ wp core download
Here are options if we need to select where will it install, which version will install and 3 other options.
Step 2: After download the core files of WordPress, we need to configure it. Need to create wp-config.php with our new database name, user and password.
$ wp config create --dbname=wpcli --dbuser=root --dbpass=root
Step 3: We need to create a new database wpcli
$ wp db create
Step 4: Install WordPress
$ wp core install --url=localhost/wpcli --title="WP-CLI" --admin_user=admin --admin_password=12345
Next, we will see how to
- Manage WordPress ecosystem
- Backup WordPress Database
- Plugin scaffolding
- Theme scaffolding