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Installing VVV

Written on September 25, 2019

VVV ( Varying Vagrant Vagrants) is a creation to easily setup WordPress environment. VVV includes long list of development tools that will be time consuming and complex to set up manually. Currently, by installing VVV we will get 25 tools.

Really lot!!! Although VVV’s documentation is great. I can’t brush up all yet. But, here I will describe my first installation step.

VVV requires 3 tools to good to go. Virtualbox, Vagrant and a vagrant plugin: vagrant-hostsupdater
Download Virtalbox, Vagrant. After complete installation, check these two with vboxmanage -v and vagrant -v respectively. If output shows their version, installation of Virtualbox and Vagrant okay. Then run this command in your command line tool

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater

Then, restart our machine to get Virtualbox and Vagrant works.
Assume, git installed on your machine. If not install it as your machine operating system. By the by, install VVV master repo with this command

git clone -b master git:// ~/vagrant-local

Then, let’s go to vagrant-local directory. Copy and rename vvv-config.yml to vvv-custom.yml to prevent overwritten in future. Lastly up this vagrant.

cd vagrant-local
mv vvv-config.yml vvv.custom.yml
vagrant up

Now, go to vvv.test in browser and see VVV’s opening

The landing page of VVV